I believe that creativity is the essence of being human. It is who we are and what we are here for. It bursts forth in every way imaginable. And everyone has it whether it is recognized or not. Or, rather, whether it has been given the space and support in which to blossom. I know, for myself, I am happiest and most fulfilled when I am involved in some artistic exploration. I am interested in trying all kinds of artistic media. And I have had the good fortune to study with great teachers, such as Michael Markowitz for Figure Drawing, Marla Baggetta for Pastel Painting and Amana Brembry Johnson for Sculpture.

I will always be a perennial student. I could strive my whole life to make one truly authentic mark, be it the line of a leaf or the weight and curvature of a breast. And in that grand and simple endeavor would be the fulfillment.

I present my strivings here in the hope that they bring you some pleasure. Perhaps they will even bring you inspiration — creator to creator — in any and all ways that it might manifest. Today is a good day to make something!

Marlene Tobias